Once the basic letterforms have been mastered the best way of acquiring a fluent Italic hand is to study examples of successful Italic handwriting. Books by Wilfrid Blunt, John le F Dumpleton, Alfred Fairbank and Tom Gourdie, among others, all contain a wealth of fine examples, usually in the form of correspondence (with the added bonus of the reader being able to see how to properly set out a letter, with regard to correct margins, line spacing, etc.).
Here are a selection of pieces from the Society’s own archives which may similarly serve as exemplars for those wishing to improve their handwriting or to develop their own Italic style.
Graham Last
David Lodge
Geoffrey Ebbage (subscription reminder)
Geoffrey Ebbage (subscription reminder)
Handwriting Example
Mark Smith
Handwriting Example
Fairbank Drawing
Alfred Fairbank, founder of the Society for Italic Handwriting
Eager Hand
John Nash
John Shyver
Willard McCarty
Paul Standard
Silver Jubilee Greetings
Keiko Tofuku
Wilfrid Blunt, Eton
A specimen of Lord Cholmondeley's handwriting in 1939, before learning the Italic hand.
Lord Cholmondeley's handwriting having received lessons in Italic Handwriting
Nicholas Caulkin
Ludwig Tan
Eton Letter
Wilfrid Blunt
Alfred Fairbank
Alfred Fairbank
John Gibbs
Stanley Morrison (Monotype)
James Wardrop
A Handwriting Psalm
By Duncan Tolmie
Cholmondeley Envelope
Humphrey Lyttleton - Prizewinning Handwriting
The prizewinning handwriting of the late Humphrey Lyttleton, former SIH President.